Staff Directory
The People Who Bring It All Together
The staff listing is organized by department and includes telephone numbers and position/title.
Durham Housing Authority (DHA) 919.683.1551
Click the links below to jump to each Department:
- Administration
- Cornwallis Road/Oxford Manor/Club Boulevard
- Development
- Executive Office
- Finance
- McDougald Terrace/Hoover Road/Forest Hills/Scattered Sites
- Morreene Road/Damar Court/Preiss-Steele Place/Edgemont/Goley Pointe/Laurel Oaks/1010
- Operations
- Resident Services
- Strategic Management
- Bethea, Terence, Resident Safety Specialist, ext. 7111
- Burke, Donnell, Fraud Security Manager, ext. 7274
- Malone, Jamel, Resident Safety Specialist, ext. 7289
- Walton, Carla, Director of Administration, ext. 7276
Cornwallis Road/Oxford Manor/Club Boulevard
- Cameron, Bennie, Maintenance Technician
- Culbreth, Marion, Maintenance Technician
- Frazier, Ted, Maintenance Supervisor
- Gaston, Shirletta, Assistant Property Manager
- Gaynor, Sharon, Housing Clerk
- Mangum, Kristin, Property Manager, ext. 7428
- McCrea, Latoya, Housing Clerk
- Metts, Linwood, Maintenance Technician
- Small, Sandra, Associate Property Manager, ext. 7206
- Smith, Nicole, Senior Property Manager
- Woodard, Jaquan, Site Labor
- Estrera, Rolando A., Capital Fund Project Manager, ext. 7426
- Harris, Maria, Assistant Project Manager, ext. 7030
- Swan, Eric, Project Manager, ext. 7019
- Taylor, Gerald, Project Manager, ext. 7218
- Tillman, Brenda, Program Specialist, ext. 7294
- Brenner, Jason, Staff Attorney, ext. 7283
- Lucas-King, Cynthia, Receptionist, ext. 7200
- Sanders, Aalayah, Communications Manager, ext. 7306
- Slaughter, Anita, Special Assistant to the CEO, ext. 7217
- Snell, Anthony, Interim Chief Executive Officer, ext. 7217
- Thomas, Brittney, Executive Office Assistant
- Kerr, Amber, Payables Technician, ext. 7291
- Breeden, Denise, Controller/HCVP Accountant, ext. 7312
- Evans, Tiffany, Procurement Manager, ext. 7298
- Nwosu, Amechi, LIPH Accountant, ext. 7270
- Staley, Ralph, Chief Financial Officer, ext. 7320
- Williams, Tammy, Development Accountant, ext. 7271
- Watts, Anne, Payroll/Accounts Receivable Technician, ext. 7292
- Crawley, Tonya, Director of HCVP, ext. 7042
- Fozard, Nyia, Data Processing Specialist, ext. 7241
- Green, Vanessa, Data Processing Housing Specialist, ext. 7263
- Harris, Sherry, Compliance Supervisor, ext. 7244
- Jones-Lassiter, Desireé, Recertification Supervisor, ext. 7032
- McGee, Tekela, Data Processing Housing Specialist, ext. 7269
- Riley, Warren, HQS Inspections Supervisor, ext. 7034
- HCV Contact Information
McDougald Terrace/Hoover Road/Forest Hills/Scattered Sites
- Blatcher, Christopher, Site Labor
- Cameron, LaTonya, Property Manager, ext. 7266
- Coleman, Howard, Maintenance Technician
- Elliott, Candace, Assistant Property Manager, ext. 7205
- Evans, Timothy, Site Labor
- Follosco, Jose, Assistant Property Manager, ext. 7205
- Moore, Christopher, Senior Property Manager, ext. 7288
- Morris, Billie, Maintenance Technician
- Ragland, Kyle, Maintenance Technician
- Reed, Rakeel, Maintenance Technician
- Rowell, Johnny, Maintenance Supervisor, ext. 7219
- Simpson, Serenity, Housing Clerk
Morreene Road/Damar Court/Preiss-Steele Place/Edgemont Elms/Goley Point/Laurel Oaks/1010 Worth Street
- Bowser, Jada, Assistant Property Manager, ext. 7246
- Farrar, Tewonda, Property Manager, ext. 7231
- Ferguson, Richard, Maintenance Technician
- Graham, Kimberly, Assistant Property Manager, ext. 7247
- Greene, Corey, Maintenance Technician
- Hoskins, DelAngelo, (Interim) Assistant Property Manager, ext. 7031
- James, Parris, Housing Clerk
- McGee, Freddie, Maintenance Technician
- Moore, Ramel, Site Labor
- Morris, Janelle, Senior Property Manager, ext.7267
- Perry, Eric, Site Labor
- Platt, Seretha, Housing Clerk
- Sendolo, Saye, Maintenance Supervisor, ext. 7201
- Buchanan, Sean, Deputy Operations Officer, ext. 7205
- Cooper, Sanchez, Housing Stability Specialist, ext. 7230
- Flores, Jamie, Housing Stability Coordinator, ext. 7287
- Gill, William, IT Director, ext. 7278
- Leak, Ricki, Housing Stability Specialist, ext. 7248
- Pickett, Early, IT Assistant, ext. 7256
- Green, Melvin, Director of Resident Services, 919-236-3397
- Rankin, Jasma, Resident Services Program Manager, 919-697-7076
- Revels, Ceaira, Jobs Plus Program Manager, 919-430-2591
- Chandler, Reggie, ROSS Service Coordinator Elderly/Disabled, 919-698-7589
- Clay, Jemanda, Public Housing HCVP FSS Coordinator, 919-625-4182
- Kokeema Walters, Public Housing FSS Coordinator, 919-886-2966
- Thompson, Lauryn, Jobs Plus Jobs Developer, 919-599-8663
- Brooks, Michael, Jobs Plus Case Manager, 919-491-1583
- Tyler Hilderbran, Jobs Plus Case Manager, 919-698-2326
- Barbosa, Rusputini, Associate Property Management Strategic Analyst, ext. 7433
- Brown, Ashanti, Chief Operating Officer, ext. 7218
- Garrett, Christina, Manager of Strategic Analysis, ext. 7309
- Thomas, Samuel, Strategic Analyst, ext. 7212