Oct 26 Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting - 300 E. Main St. Affordable Housing
Laurel Street - LeCHASE - RBI
Virtual pre-bid meeting on bidding and construction of the
300 E. Main Street Affordable Housing
Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 2:00pm
LeChase and Right Build are hosting an pre-bid meeting for all construction industry related firms (majority and minority) that have an interest in providing goods and/or services for this project.
Laurel Street Residential's 300 E. Main Street development will provide 110 affordable housing units in downtown Durham. Wrapping a 757-car parking garage currently under construction by Durham County, the project will also provide valuable community-based business space on the first floor. In addition to the retail spaces provided as part of the parking deck, the affordable housing development will provide 11,000 square feet of childcare space on Main Street and an outdoor playground and amenity space. Built over a concrete podium, the project will also provide tenant amenity space on the lower level.
To register, or for more information about trades needed and the meeting agenda click here.
For more information about the process, all interested bidders are to email Tim Frost or Denise Barnes.