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Severe Weather Information

In the event of a hurricane or other disaster, the Durham Housing Authority will take action that allows us to protect our tenants and property. In the event of a disaster, follow the instructions provided by law enforcement, elected officials and other professionals regarding evacuation and other safety measures before, during and after a disaster.

For safety and preparedness information about hurricanes, fires, blackouts, hazardous materials biological threats, cyber-attacks, and other threats, as well as special considerations about home safety for families, seniors, infants and pets visit

Get a Plan! Steps to Creating a Family Disaster Plan

  • Buy a NOAA All-Hazards Weather Radio and test it weekly (Wednesdays, 10am - noon).
  • Discuss the types of disasters that could affect the family.
  • Determine if the home is located in a storm surge evacuation zone.
  • Identify a safe room in your home or a neighbor's home.
  • Plan escape routes from your home and places to meet.
  • Know the location of a safe community shelter near your home.
  • Have an out-of-state family member or friend you can stay with if necessary.
  • Have an emergency plan for your pets.
  • Post emergency telephone numbers by your phone and make sure children know how/when to call 9-1-1.
  • Check your insurance coverage - flood damage is not usually covered by homeowners' insurance.
  • Stock non-perishable emergency supplies and a disaster supply kit that should include:
    • A three-day supply of food and water, a change of clothing, a blanket or sleeping bag for each person and a first aid kit that includes medications.
    • Emergency tools: Battery-powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries, work gloves and fire extinguisher.
    • Important family documents in a fire and waterproof container, an extra set of keys, credit card, and cash.
  • Replace batteries in your smoke detector and in your NOAA Weather Radio in the spring and fall when Daylight Saving Time changes.
  • Take first aid, CPR, and disaster preparedness classes through your local American Red Cross chapter.

Persons with disabilities often require additional assistance when preparing for a disaster. Here is a short list of tips for those with special needs:

  • Establish a personal support network of friends, family or neighbors who can assist you and get you to a safe place.
  • Place emergency instructions on the refrigerator that include information on your medications, dosage amounts, necessary equipment and emergency contacts.
  • Register with local emergency management and fire departments
  • Carry with you at all times emergency health information. A medical alert tag or bracelet to identify your disability can prove helpful.
  • Keep a flashlight, bell or whistle nearby to signal your whereabouts to others.
  • Have an extra supply of medication in your emergency kit.
Map showing the location of Durham within the state of North Carolina

Serving the City of Durham, North Carolina